David DuBose
American, 1956
lives and works in Lafayette, Louisiana, U.S.A.
CLICK HERE for an artist's statement and price information. (.PDF)
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'The creative process, for me, has become a means to examine and reflect on my experience, heritage and identity. I sometimes regard the array of events that make up my own life as distinct, singular elements that can be considered independently or combined to infer larger understandings.
My art draws considerably from personal, family and political histories, often incorporating photographic or illustrative elements. The juxtaposition of disconnected elements and layers can suggest a narrative, providing a vehicle for social, cultural or political self-examination. My images are often painterly and expressive in character, immediate responses to an event, memory or emotion, as many divergent ideas and elements come together. '
© 2016 Ulrich Kühle Sarah Dudley GbR • All rights reserved.